
Orange juices
Orange juices

Studies show that drinking juice without getting the natural fiber from fruits is linked to obesity and liver damage. This is because fruit contains fiber, which slows down the process of digestion and makes you feel more full. Some experts recommend that adults and children should eat whole fruit instead of drinking fruit juices. You can get these same important nutrients by eating an orange, and in fact, it's a much healthier alternative. These health benefits are not unique to orange juice.

orange juices orange juices

Vitamin C is also an antioxidant and can improve immune system function. Vitamin C: This is an essential nutrient that plays many roles in your body, including digesting proteins and helping heal wounds.

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Orange juice is particularly rich in one type of flavonoid, hesperidin, which has been shown to fight free radicals and reduce inflammation. Flavonoids: These are nutrients produced by plants and are well known for their health benefits.Carotenoids act as antioxidants in your body, boosting your immune system and fighting off harmful substances called free radicals that can cause inflammation and cancer.

orange juices

  • Carotenoids: These are the pigments that create the red, orange, and yellow colors in fruits and vegetables.
  • Some of the main health benefits of orange juice come from: Orange juice contains important nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy.

    Orange juices